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California Dreaming: Venice Beach Extended Family Edition

Saturday, Jonny, the boy, and I went to Zuma beach. The boy napped for most of it and Jonny took pics while I surfed. I didn't surf the same spot Annina and I had surfed because there was some sort of run, bike race thing going on and that parking lot was occupied. We did pay the $10 weekend fee to park because we wanted the boy to be sleeping in the car close to the beach... not on the side of the highway where it is free. I missed my surfing partner Annina. 

Zuma Beach

Packing up the car where my boys are waiting! 

Saturday afternoon Allison, Jason, and Marcus came to hang out with us. We had gone to the skate park and took videos of Marcus skating. He broke his board almost as soon as we got there. 

Marcus skating down Venice beach strip. 

Marcus and Allison

We went back to the homestead and the boys went up to Whole Foods and got some food to make for dinner. Marcus marinated the meat, I mashed the potatoes, Allison babysat, and Jason and Jonny manned the BBQ. Marcus and Jason had a hot tub and we all chilled on the patio of 359 Rose. After a filling meal we went back to the skate park and Marcus skated his new Baker board. (Insert another video) And then, just to top the day off we got some frozen yogurt at the place where you get to make it all yourself and add all the delicious toppings you want. mmmm.. I just made myself want it now! 
Skate backpack

Babysitting cousin! 
Eating mashed potatoes! 

Jason, Allison, and Marcus chilling on the patio. 
Cruiser bikes
Marcus at the skate park. 

Sunday there wasn't much surf so we just chilled as a family. We decided that we wanted more family chill time and that we liked it here. We e-mailed the owner to see if our little bungalow was available but it wasn't. He could, however, move us to his other one bedroom for one night and then his two bedroom till Friday morning. He gave us this for all the same price and no extra cleaning fee. Cool! We are in. However, moving from one place - leaving at 10am and not being able to get into the next place until 3pm left us with some nap times to cover. Car seat.. and driving was our plan. 

Venice Beach pier

The breakfast spot - The Candle Cafe

One foot up and hard chilling! 

Baby Jonny

Banana cookie 
We hit Red Lobster one day... Outback was closed. Jonny feels he may never get to eat at an Outback. The next day we decided to drive to Huntington Beach. I got to try the surf - it was small and crowded. We looked for Ed Templeton. Huntington Beach is basically a shopping mall and a pier. I scored some $20 Reynolds' Emericas. How can you say no to a $20 skate shoe? (Especially since my feet grew and I need new shoes!) We got some lunch and headed back to our new place and the boy had nap number two. 

$20 skate shoes?!
Yucky pollution spot. 
Huntington beach parking lot

Huntington beach pier

Electric car station in the parking lot at HB. 

Cruising the HB parking lot. 
Ed Templeton in the skate shop. 
Shower time! 
The second one bedroom we stayed in, 341 Rose, was nice but I liked 349 better. 341 had some TV and Internet issues. It was also a little more squished. It did have newer stuff - like hot tub, sinks, and well... everything... but it didn't have the lived in stuff like seasonings and Ziplocks.
Lemon tree in the yard. 

brand new cruisers at this place and a new washer and dryer. 
Cute little chill area in the front yard. 
Block off the kitchen with the playpen. 

The two bedroom we are in right now it gorgeous. The people next to us look like they live in three containers and they have wine bottle lights hanging from the trees. Anywho... this place has a front gate -wall where you enter through the Pink Panther. We have a front and back porch. We have the whole place to ourselves. The boy has a room to cry it out in and there are two bathrooms too. One of them has a new shower and sink but the other one has original stuff. The stove is really old and original. I have to get a pic of that. It has cupboards for the stove. There is no dish washer or AC in this one. It is a pretty amazing little spot. It is directly across from the skate park and surf spot on Venice beach.. just a few blocks up. I wonder how much it costs? Doesn't matter. We will probably stick to 349. It just felt more like home... but.. I think this one would be good for Allison, Jason, Marcus, and Zoe when they come next time. 
Carpet is fun to play with. 

Crate living next door. 

Bedroom one - with ensuite. 
Bedroom two without a bathroom - but it is right in the hall. 
Front patio

Kitchen and the laundry machines are inside this home. 
Back patio

Boy and his ball! (Which I think we left at the last hotel...) 
Front door from the side walk and into the front yard. 

Wine bottle lights in the neighbours tree. 

We went back to Huntington again today. Jonny has his shoe brain on and wanted to try on some different pairs. You see, the company that he likes is going out of business (Axion). He has been trying to switch to a new company (Emerica) but his feet just haven't been happy in other skate shoes. Today, I think he may have found his new shoe (Etnies). Fingers crossed... that this shoe saga is over.. and that his feet will be happy in these new shoes. We all need happy feet. 

It was super windy today and the waves were all over the place and blowing out. I went in the water even though I wasn't feeling it and didn't catch anything. Disappointing. We got some groceries on the way home and hung out at home. The boy was not particularly cooperative today. I can feel his top tooth through the skin now. 

Thursday we went back to Zuma beach to have a surf but there was not much going on in the water. We drove back and got the boy to his nap time. Jonny made us some chicken and meat skewers and corn on the cob. I was so full but Jonny insisted I have my cookie ice-cream sandwich since it was our last day and I hadn't had one yet. (I did have frozen yogurt about four times though!) I waddled back to our place and got ready to go to dance. Yup - I went to The Edge Performing Arts Centre - Hollywood Harbour and took a class. I was scared but it is new and unknown and I have heard it is really high calibre. So, I decided to take an easy class that would make me feel good about myself - the 40 + class! Hahaha... It was great. I had a blast. AND, there was a star in my class - Jenna Elfman. It was a great end to an awesome trip. 

Gotta watch some skating after a morning run. 

S for SAM

Cookie ice cream sandwich!! 
Zoltar!! Jonny has to play once a trip. 
skate cement. 

Dance outfit! 
Edge Dance Studio - Hollywood Harbour
After dance snack! 

Good bye maternity bathing suit!! You are DONE! 

Jonny wants to make tables like these on our patio. Thick wood. 
He may also want to recreate this art. 

Someone walking by left this on our ledge. 
Fancy wind things. 

cookie face


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