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Showing posts from August, 2013

California Dreaming: LA to Williams Ca./ Williams to Eugene Or. / Eugene to HOME!

Friday morning we were awake nice and early. (Thanks boy!) I did a load of laundry, we packed up, and hit the road. The first night we made it to Williams, California. We stayed in a Quality Inn. There wasn't much in this little town except for maybe some mosquitos. The boy and I went for a swim, we had some Chinese food and we hit the sack. The internet at this hotel was one device at a time. So annoying!  Walmart parking lot chill - Yreka... dad left a car here once?  low riding pants.  Swim time!  Noodle face. The next day we were up even earlier and we made it to Eugene, Oregon. We stayed in a Super 8 and Jonny got us a pizza. Hot air balloons all over the place - taking off from every field.  And our last day driving we made it home. We stopped at Walmart and got a high chair for the boy. The outlets were so crazy you couldn't even park - so...

California Dreaming: Venice Beach Extended Family Edition

Saturday, Jonny, the boy, and I went to Zuma beach. The boy napped for most of it and Jonny took pics while I surfed. I didn't surf the same spot Annina and I had surfed because there was some sort of run, bike race thing going on and that parking lot was occupied. We did pay the $10 weekend fee to park because we wanted the boy to be sleeping in the car close to the beach... not on the side of the highway where it is free. I missed my surfing partner Annina.  Zuma Beach Packing up the car where my boys are waiting!  Saturday afternoon Allison, Jason, and Marcus came to hang out with us. We had gone to the skate park and took videos of Marcus skating. He broke his board almost as soon as we got there.  Marcus skating down Venice beach strip.  Marcus and Allison We went back to the homestead and the boys went up to Whole Foods and got some ...