Article about The Sea Women of South Korea
We went on a new teacher trip to the beach yesterday. We went from 2-5. It takes about 40 minutes to get there. The beach was packed. There were so many cars in the parking lots and so many people on the beach. Biggy and I went for a big swim first. We swam out to the baby waves past the volcanic rock. It felt so good to be in the ocean. I don't think I have been in the ocean since Jacksonville. We had been told not to bring sand back with us in the bus. (Impossible... with so much sand at the beach and so many kids on the bus!) But to try and do this, we swam and then I put my cover up on to protect me from the sun and to fit more in with the locals who, mostly, are dressed more modestly. Some are wearing full on leggings and long sleeves. I am sure more to keep their skin white than to be modest at the beach. I did see one chica who strutted her Korean ass hanging out of her bikini and tattoos on her back. No modesty or white skin there. Anyways, Biggy and I and some of the other kids played in this nice little pool after that. We dug rivers and moats. Jonny walked up the road and found a place to sit and told us what was up there. We will have to go back another time where we can take the time to look around more. There was no way Biggy and I were leaving the beach. I got sand on the bus and I still feel bad.
Jonny's Photos
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